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#173 - Five Content Types Artists Can Share (Part 2)

Practice Drawing Rotating 3D Arrow Model
YouTube Video - Practice Drawing Rotating 3D Arrow ModelWeb version.

(Part 1)

Content Type Two: Evergreen Content

Initial Letter Evergreen content is about sharing timeless information that may be useful to your audience.

You, as, say, a portrait painter, may share your process and tips and tricks when painting portraits. This shows off your expertise in that area and might get people to participate in one of your portrait painting courses.

Or you may share beautiful portraits and get people to commission a portrait.

It establishes your authority in this area.

At the end of Evergreen content, you can share links to your resources. For example, as a portrait painter, you can share a link to your commission landing page or landing page for your course.

The beauty of Evergreen content is that it can generate potential customers for years and years. It can therefore be advantageous to do search engine optimization for Evergreen content.

pages from my sketchbook

The idea behind search engine optimization is to use the same words people would search for when looking for your content. You use these words in the titles and body text.

Using popular words to trick people into checking out your content can be tempting, but they will feel cheated, and you lose that person forever, so don’t do that.

Other places have better information on how to do search engine optimization. It is also a constantly changing field.

Evergreen content should be short: an artist might search for information on setting up portraiture lighting, and after a quick search, they find your post that explains lighting for portraiture. They want it to be short and informative so they can continue with what they are doing.

Some Evergreen content might be tough to do search engine optimization for because people are not searching for it. In that case, Human Interest content, which the following article will discuss in a few weeks, is better.

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