#162 - Traveling As A Part Of Our Creative Habit
On going outside to trigger ideas.I discovered this fifteen years ago on a holiday in Japan: the change of environment is such an attack on your senses that it starts your creative juices flowing in a big way.
#161 - Experiencing Brain Versus Remembering Brain
How we feel after having drawn is important. The ‘experiencing’ brain versus the ‘remembering’ brain. While we do something, we ‘experience’ it, but our brain only remembers highlights and the end afterward.
#160 - Try This Next Time In Your Art Supply Store
And you might wind up with the latest amazing drawing tools. New art supply tools continually arrive on the market. When we find great drawing tools, we tend to hoard them and tell others about them. And so these specific supplies sell out quickly.
#159 - The Meta Way To Copy Artists You Admire - Do Not Copy Their Work, But The WAY They Work
What you actually do need to copy from other artists you admire. Copying how he works would mean focusing on the things you find fun and are good at and building around that, entering different creative fields, and sailing on the coattails of that skill you have that you are incredibly good at. ‘Doing what he does’ doesn’t mean copying his art style, it means building around things you are naturally good at and enjoy doing.
#158 - What Is Your Sketchbook Metaphor, How Does The Way You Create Compare To How People Do It In Other Disciplines?
It matters for how you practice. It’s a metaphor for how I use my sketchbook; I collect the beautiful little things I see around me by copying them to my sketchbook.
#157 - The Difference Between An Artbook And A Sketchbook
And which one should you make?Sketchbooks and artbooks are different. It is helpful to keep both a sketchbook (which you keep private) and an artbook that can be shown to others. In practice, my sketchbooks are artbooks in the front and sketchbooks in the back. No one sees the back.
#156 - I Found The Perfect Hobby For People Who Draw Or Paint!
The perfect companion hobby for people who draw or paint.You get to walk around a lot, which is healthy. Fresh air and vitamin D. You collect visual material that you can use for your drawings.
#155 - Test-Based Learning For Artists
Insights on how we learn best, and how to apply that to becoming better at drawing. Scientists have found ways to learn effectively. It boils down to testing yourself first, encoding the information that is not in your brain yet, and repetition.
#154 - Why I Sometimes Skip Posting Art on Social Media For A While
The joys of social media for artists. I get it, and I learned a lot, and It doesn’t serve me as much anymore.
#153 - In Stead Of Copying Artists, Try To Use Them As Inspiration And To Draw In Your Style
On starting from reference and making it your own. I admire the works of so many different artists, all with unique styles! I look at their work, and immediately, I am inspired to draw like them, to draw in their style.
#152 - Draw On Small Cards For Practice, Easy To Carry Along And Sell Or Give Away, Fun To Do, Switch Up Your Drawing Routine!
A versatile drawing practice you can do instead of filling sketchbooks. I wanted to try it, too. I took a relatively large matchbox, removed the matches, cut paper to the size where it would fit in the matchbox, and drew on these little cards for a few days.
#151 - The Artist As A Collector Of Beautiful Things
One way to look at what we do! It dawned on me that I do the same thing. I collect beautiful things, too. It’s just that I copy them into my personal sketchbook. It’s my personal collection of drawings of things I find beautiful.
#150 - What Artists Can Learn From Reading Comprehension
We can learn to learn by observing how children learn. They have what they call the four Vs. I added a fifth V, and it is telling that the schools leave that out.
#149 - Why It Is Good That Your Drawings Do Not Come Out Well
Learn from the things that don’t look good in your drawings. You get to see which parts you need to get accurate for it to look good and which parts you can wing a bit.
#148 - Stick Figures Are Actually Good If You Want To Draw Dynamic Poses
And so I am going to make you draw stick figures. Find out why. Stick figures are easier because you don’t have to get cylinders to suggest the limbs.
#147 - How To Develop An Instinct For Proportions
Develop an instinct for proportions while having fun drawing. I’m not a fan of measuring while drawing. I find it boring. I like to eyeball it, do it by sight, and feel where something needs to go on the page.
#146 - This Is Why Pinterest Is Great For Artists (Right Now)
And this is how social media should work for artists. Other people can see and browse through such boards if public, and an image that is pinned to boards proliferates.
#145 - An Interesting Way Our Survival Instincts Influence Our Art (Part 2)
How our survival instincts make it harder to create art. We are also a social species, and status matters for procreation. If you have a high status, you will attract more attention from the opposite sex, so your reptilian brain will try to prevent you from taking risks that lower your status within the group.
#144 - An Interesting Way Our Survival Instincts Influence Our Art (Part 1)
How our survival instincts benefit our art. Use this freedom in your art! It is okay to deviate from realism in search of beauty in idealization and simplification.
#143 - Things To Be On The Lookout For If You Want To Stay Motivated To Draw
It is sometimes a miracle that we draw at all. Sometimes, it’s a miracle we draw at all!
#142 - Art Is Not Just Pretty Objects, But Also A Conversation The Artist Has With Their Audience
And that is good news, even for us introverts. There have been Kickstarters I didn’t want to support because I didn’t like the creator behind them or the group they were a part of.
#141 - Artists, Remove Yourself From Fast-Paced Scrolling On Social Media, Slow Down And Notice What That Does For Your Creative Routine
The anti-dote to social media induced short attention spans. As I repeatedly try to draw it in different ways, the reference image slowly reveals its secrets to me. It tells me which landmarks I need to get exactly right for the drawing to look right and which aspects of a drawing I can have fun with.
#140 - Does Theoretical Knowledge Hamper The Creativity Of The Artist And Prevent Them From Coming Up With Original Ideas?
And is ignorance bliss? I once had discussions with fellow students about whether knowledge hampered creativity. We were learning all these theories, and would that prevent us from coming up with original new theories?
#139 - While Drawing Should I Measure And Construct Accurately, Or Should I Freehand-Draw?
Which method is “better”? The Answer is yes. If you have questions you would like me to answer, don’t hesitate to contact me!
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