Free Friday Newsletter About Drawing


#73 - Practicing Drawing Cylinders Is A Good Way To Warm Up And It Is Surprisingly Useful

I felt like sharing a drawing exercise again, so here goes.

#72 - Did You Ruin A Page In Your Sketchbook? Here Is How To Use That Sketchbook To Become An Even Better Artist

What sketchbooks are REALLY for

You know the feeling. You’re afraid to draw in that beautiful sketchbook, worrying that you will ruin that page and the entire sketchbook as a consequence.

#71 - Artists, Consolidate What You Learned, Keep Practicing Until It Becomes Second Nature Is Better Than Looking For New Art Tutorials Online

Do this instead of looking for tutorials online and only superficially studying them.

What should you do otherwise instead? Look at the lessons you learned recently, open your sketchbook, and practice these.

#70 - Art Students Gravitate Toward 3D Form Studies As A Way To Become Better Artists, But There Are Even Better Ways To Study

It is useful for me, as it forces me to structure my thoughts on things, to uncover and reveal to myself what it is exactly I am learning from all of this.

#69 - A FUN variation On Drawing From Memory, A Wonderful Way To Use Your Imagination While Drawing

You do not have to draw the entire thing from memory. Do this if you forgot parts of a reference image.

You can vary many parameters, like the interval between memorizing and drawing—minutes, hours, or days? Or which materials to use—erasable pencil or pen? What to memorize, et cetera.

#68 - What And How Much Artists Should Share Online About Themselves And Their Art

And the relative merits of keeping things private in your sketchbooks.

This is how every artist should be dealing with social media.

#67 - How Artists Can Make The Most Of A Museum Visit

There is just so much to see, plan to spend time with just a few masterpieces.

This has implications for how we artist can make the best use of a museum visit.

#66 - Become A Better Artist By Reading Non-Art Related Non-Fiction Books?

The slides above were drawn while looking at 3d models from the amazingly cool new website,

#65 - 3D Cube Models For Perspective Drawing Practice: Simplified Torso

The human torso consists of the chest and the hips. The chest and the hips are two rigid forms connected through your flexible spine, and their relative orientations have a huge impact on the gesture of the pose.

#64 - 3D Cube Models For Perspective Drawing Practice: Stacked Boxes

I added some new cool free artist’s resources to the Practice Drawing This website: parametric 3D models designed for drawing practice!

#63 - When It Comes To Sketchbooking, There Are No Rules, Use Your Sketchbook To Experiment

I firmly believe in listening to your Muse: draw what you want. If you force yourself into doing certain drawing practice exercises, the fun of drawing will eventually go away if you push yourself too hard.

#62 - An Example Drawing Reference Deep Dive - Sit With A Reference Image For a Longer Time And Let It Slowly Reveal Its Secrets

This is a fruitful way to practice from reference. It helps me draw it from my imagination later.

#61 - You Can Learn A Lot As An Artist From Watching How Other Artists Create

You CAN become better at drawing by watching online videos.

We live in a fantastic time when we can watch our favorite artists draw in online videos. This is an amazing resource for learning.

#60 - HAVING Knowledge Is Not The Same As APPLYING That Knowledge

If you see others doing something wrong, there is a chance you are doing it wrong also.

My Practice Drawing This project is about tips—for myself and for you—on how to make the most of your free time and be creative as much as possible.

#59 - The Unique Thing Each Artist Can Do Is Give Their Perspective, Say Something About A Subject In Their Art

Children do this naturally. Their drawings always make a statement about something.

In it, his parents were standing in the center. He stood on one side of them, and on the other side stood his bigger sister. From his sister emanated a huge claw-like hand on a monstrously long and big arm that bent around the back of the parents and towards him while she also shows her sharp teeth.

#58 - These Are The Steps You As An Artist Should Take If You Want To Take On An Assignment For A Commission

This is how you prevent yourself from wasting time on a customer.

In this article, I will dive deeper into the steps you need to take to make an illustration assignment for a client you take on a success.

#57 - The Rules For Making Art Are Actually More Like Ingredients For A Meal - You Get To Choose Which Ones You Want To Add Or Leave Out Of Your Creative Process

One way of looking at the rules of art making.

The rule I want to take a closer look at is the rule that you should avoid tangents.

#56 - We Artists Need To Learn To Create Like A Child Again And To Just Have Fun With It

This art thing was supposed to be fun, wasn’t it?

I took a color pencil, and I started to make lines on the same paper.

#55 - The Reason Missing Deadlines Is Often A Good Idea

Why it can often be better to just miss deadlines.

They would end-of-life a version of a product and then ramp up production of the new version. The company made a lot of money every day. The thing about that was that you couldn’t miss even a day. Each day you miss revenue, you will never get that back. So if I was one day late at delivering the software, the company lost a lot of money.

#54 - The Case Against Calling Yourself An Artist

Because being an artist comes with external expectations.

People act surprised when I tell them that I don’t see myself as an artist.

#53 - A Weekly Reset Helps Artists Not Get Stuck In A Routine That Is Not Working

Do this every weekend.

What went right, what went wrong, and what do you want to change for the coming week?

#52 - A Great Way To Improve Your Art Is To Find A Way To See Your Work As New Audiences Would See It

Look at your work with a fresh pair of eyes, like others would see it.

Artists, eating dog food? Stay with me, though.

#51 - Become A Better Artist By Becoming A Teacher And Explaining Things You Learned To Others

Artist, Compete With Me! And do it for your own benefit!

The thing is, he wasn’t necessarily sharing it because he thought my work was good. I mean, of course, it was good! But if you read the caption, what he was saying was, “Guys, look at this person sharing what they are learning along the way. You can do that, too!”

#50 - Games And Systems Can Be A Great Way For Creatives And Artists To Come Up With New Ideas

On making practice fun.

An example is the famous Monty Python sketch where a customer tries to return a parrot to a pet shop. The customer claims the parrot is dead, but the shop owner doesn’t want to take the parrot back and refuses to agree. And so the game became for the customer to come up with as many ways as possible to say the parrot had died, gone to meet its maker, pushing up daisies, has ceased to be, et cetera.

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