Free Friday Newsletter About Drawing


#120 - Practicing Drawing Circles And Ellipses Is A Great Drawing Warm-Up Exercise

You can do it at any time and don’t even need reference for it.

This drawing exercise is a great one because you can always do it, even without reference or inspiration, and improve your hand coordination.

#119 - Start By Drawing Large Shapes, First, And Then Imagine the Form and Fill In The Details

What should you start with, shape or form?

So why freehand draw? Why eyeball it? Several reasons:

#118 - More Heinrich Kley Illustrations From Vergil Eaneis For Artists To Study

You can learn a lot from studying these illustrations.

This book is called Vergil Eaneis and they got hold of number 106 of 990 that were printed. it was published in 1910 so it is in the public domain, and it contains some wonderful illustrations by Heinrich Kley!

#117 - How Artists Can Resist Temptations That Are Unhealthy For Their Art Practice

It does require some effort. For a start, turn off youf phone!

Large corporations create products and services for us that are unhealthy and addictive to maximize their profit.

#116 - Everything In Your Creative Pursuit Can Be Designed, From Your Work To The Way You Work

A fantastic way to look at every aspect of your life.

Design everything about your life and optimize for the things you want to do.

#115 - Certain Parts About Making Art Burn You Out - How To Avoid Burning Out As An Artist

Do things you find fun and relaxing, and try to ignore what you don’t like about your work and how it is received by others.

When you are burned out, it may be just one of the many things you do that is burning you out. You could practice fundamentals too much, for example. Just stop doing that thing that burns you out. Find another creative activity that brings you joy and pleasure and, just as important, leaves you satisfied with the result.

#114 - Make Your Drawing Habits Small Enough To Fit Into Your Life

So that you can always draw.

Making your creative habits small enough to fit into your life is vital. If you stop creating, it is tough to come back and build a creative habit again. But if you make it small, you can keep going. You can carry a small notebook and pen or pencil to write or draw. Or you can even do these on your mobile phone. But keep going.

#113 - Often, You Can Learn Any Craft As Well As Most Others If You Just Seriously Try

You can learn anything.

If you think you can’t draw hands, cars, or feet, that is just a story you tell yourself. You can learn to draw them. It just requires you focusing on it, practicing, trying, figuring out what is going wrong, really paying attention, trying to fix it, and doing that repeatedly in small iterations. That is how you improve skills, how you train your brain to become better at things.

#112 - What You Feel While Drawing - Stoicism, And A Way To Not Feel Bad About Your Art

Don’t feel bad about mistakes.

Because I already know how you feel. You see all the mistakes, and you feel your drawing sucks.

#111 - What You Feel While Drawing - Notice How Background Sounds Influence Your Concentration

What background sounds are best while drawing?

This article will discuss background sounds and how they can be beneficial or detrimental.

#110 - What You Feel While Drawing - Notice How You Respond To Surrounding Silence

The importance of focusing on what happens inside your mind as you draw.

For your next drawing, work hard to shut down the voice in your head. No words.

#109 - The Five Stages Of Skill That Every Artist Goes Through

And what it means for artists.

You enthusiastically lunge off in the wrong direction.

#108 - Make a Photo Of Your Art To See Your Art In A Different Way and Notice New Things About It That You Want To Fix

Improve a piece of art by critically examining if it is ready for public view.

I’d go back into the drawing and fix things, take a new photo and post it.

#107 - STARING At Your Favorite Artist As A Way To Become A Better Artist

Become better by observing other artists in action.

Eventually, I realized that made them much better at drawing! They could see the art on the others’ boards and be challenged to do as good or better.

#106 - Book Review - The Talent Code And What Artists Can Learn From Top Performers In Other Fields

What artists can learn from people who became good at sports and playing music.

Reading the book was a life-changing experience for me.

#105 - The Effect A Deadlines Have On How You Experience The Creative Process While Making Art

Wouldn’t life without deadlines be bliss?

Creating without deadlines, just tinkering is fun! But you often don’t end up with finished pieces. You might drop something to work on something else, for example. But it’s more fun.

#104 - Draw With A Thick Pencil First To Get The Big Shapes Down Before You Go Into Detail

Don’t fret the details.

This helps me solve and fix problems early: get proportions and expressiveness right.

#103 - Making It Easy To Start Drawing Every Day Is A Good Way To Make A Drawing Habit Stick

Hemingway did this, and visual artists can, too.

You can also decide on a short daily warm-up drawing exercise, as these are generally easy to start doing.

#102 - As A Drawing Exercise, Fix Mistakes Other Artists Made - But Keep It To Yourself!

But do keep it to yourself!

We all make different mistakes. This is true for drawing, too. You can spot mistakes in someone else’s drawing, and the other can spot them in yours.

#101 - Draw The Same Thing Over And Over Again And You Become Better At Drawing That Thing

You can become better at something through repetition.

Try this: select an image you love for reference, and draw it repeatedly, looking at what is wrong and fixing it in the next iteration until you get it right.

#100 - Things That Are Easy Or Hard To Draw -Trees And Female Faces

Things that are easy to draw versus hard to draw.

We have to get the details right up to fractions of millimeters, or else it will look wrong.

#99 - This Common Wisdom Is Not True! It Is Not About Doing Something For Ten Thousand Hours

Even though it sounds reasonable, it is not.

The problem is that you will only be able to do it for ten thousand hours if you are motivated on a daily basis.

#98 - What Happens In Your Sketchbook When You Tell Yourself You Will Not Show The Sketchbook Pages To Other People

This is how you should look at them.

I love pouring over sketchbook pages by other artists.

#97 - Artists, Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone, but Not Too Much! Stay NEAR Your Comfort Zone

But do come out of your comfort zone if you do not want to become bored.

Find your “happy place,” your comfort zone, first. Find out what you can draw well, and go from there.

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